February 5, 2006 - The Exchange - Rockaway, NJ

Here's a link to a story about last week's Fort Dix run. The writer, Ed Mingin, does public affairs stories for the Fort Dix newspaper. He's also a Polar Bear member.

A progressively colder day as we traveled north from Freehold to Rockaway. Not as many Bears today. Maybe some already have their points and the rest are preparing for Super Bowl Sunday. Here are a few pictures.

This cruiser had a nice look and sound.
Mascot of the Day
They're Back
Coming in from Route 46
Many riders pulled down the driveway on the right of the Exchange, snaked their bikes
around the rear parking area and into the side parking lot.
A group backs into slots in the side parking lot.
A rider with a dual-sport bike, ready for any kind of weather.
Four Polar Bears check out a Beemer next door behind the chainlink fence.
Sign-in was a bit jammed up just inside the back door.

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