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By Walter F. Kern

The Polar Bear Grand Tour consists of 550 motorcycle riders who ride their motorcycles throughout the winter season each Sunday to points within NJ, NY, PA, DE, and CT. These polar bear riders have nothing to do with the other polar bears who are often found in the water in groups for special occasions.

The Polar Bear Grand Tour Chairman is Jim Conway. He may be reached at conway1001@gmail.com

**** Best Pictures of 2023-2024 ****

Polar Bear statues depicted on this Web site were part of a private collection by Jane Ann Kern. Jane, my wife of 47 years and Polar Bear rider of her own trike, died August 31, 2008 in an automobile accident.

Now, follow me on Twitter: Special announcements about the Polar Bear destinations, updates about when I start processing pictures/videos, and when pictures/videos have been uploaded to the Polar Bear site will be posted on the following Twitter account. If you have any comments about my work on the Polar Bear site, just Reply to me (after becoming a Twitter user).

Website last updated May 6, 2018 at 10:48 a.m.

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