The Polar Bear Grand Tour consists of up to 550 motorcyclists from all over the NJ, NY, PA, DE, and CT area who each individually ride to a designated destination each Sunday. Points are awarded for each ride. When we each reach the destination, we sign-in and tell a staff member how many round-trip miles we traveled to get there. Then there is usually a restaurant at the site or nearby where small groups will congregate. There are no planned routes or group rides to get to the destination. The sign-in is usually between 12:00 pm (noon) & 1:30 pm unless otherwise posted. There are no planned rides after the sign-in. The Polar Bears represent many individual groups and we all come together to ride during the winter under the Polar Bear banner. Check out our Rules section and look at our Current Pictures section to see what's going on at the destinations. Check out some Polar Bear History.
Pat Bachota and Jim Conway are available to answer any questions you may have. 23 Sunday rides are scheduled to the various destinations throughout the 5-state area. See our Ride Schedule section for a description and dates of the rides. For the 2023-2024 season, rides start October 29, 2023 and end April 21, 2024.
You can Pre-register for each Polar Bear Grand Tour season by contacting Jim Conway at or you may register at any destination venue, although the Cape May ride is usually preferred.