by Bob Hartpence, Polar Bear Grand Tour Former Chairman
Now that April is here, we will start to prepare our bikes for the end of the riding season, so here are some tips:
1. Start your bike and warm it up then shut it off. Change the oil and oil filter. Be sure to drain the oil well.
2. Change the air filter and fuel filter.
3. Fill the fuel tank and add a fuel stabilizer.
4. Wash and wax (you can leave the wax on to maintain the integrity of the paint).
5. Bring the battery up to full charge and hook up a battery tender. (If your garage does not have air conditioning, you should take the battery into the house because you don't want the battery to over-heat.)
6. Cover the bike to keep dust off. (If you can jack the bike up so the tires do not touch the floor, this will keep the tires from having flat spots form while sitting over the summer.)
Now, when October finally comes, your bike will be ready to go.