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Here are some pictures taken at the Polar Bear Dinner held in Old Bridge.

Thanks to Bill and Nancy Marion and to the Connecticut riders for contributing pictures throughout the season.

There were a some Polar Bears who rode to the dinner. In fact, seven of the first riders to arrive were from PA.

We were entertained this evening with an analysis of the makeup of the Polar Bears by Father Guido Sarducci (celebrity impersonator). I have a few video clips of his performance. He was very good.

Note: If a video is slow and jerky, just let it finish and then replay the video again. It should then be smooth.

Arriving Bikes:

First two bikes I saw in the parking lot - from PA
First two bikes I saw arrive (see video). They were from PA.
Next four bikes I saw arrive. Three were from PA. See video.
These bikes arrived next. See video. They were followed by a Sporty. See video.

Before Dinner:

Our DJ, Patty, left, and assistant Arden (see video)
The line for drinks. At the end of the line were Debbie and Clyde. Debbie had the beat. See video.
Looking up to Leo
Activity at the staff table
Jane visits with Leo.
Debbie and Clyde finally leave the drink line.

This is our entertainment, celebrity impersonator of Guido Sarducci.

Here are some short 15 second video clips of celebrity impersonator of Guido Sarducci, our entertainment for the evening.

They are in order.

Some clips lead directly into the next clip.

I will try to indicate the subject of each clip and some key words. It was particularly difficult to anticipate a good joke and keep it within the 15 second window I'm using.

Note: If a video is slow and jerky, just let it finish and then replay the video again. It should then be smooth.

I missed the "Pope's Soap on a Rope" for men and other products he is hawking.

This was mainly G-rated entertainment and very hilarious.

It was my pleasure to provide you with pictures, videos, and captions this year to document the 2007-2008 Polar Bear Grand Tour. See you at the end of October in Cape May.

After the Entertainment:

Natalie and Clyde
More join the dance

Recognitions and Presentations:

Two members of Dawn Patrol receive recognition as charter members of the Polar Bears.
Barbara will soon be retiring and leaving the Polar Bears.
Staff is introduced.
I believe these folks had perfect attendance.
Butch and Bob talk about the history of the Polar Bears.

More Pictures from the 2007-2008 Season

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