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I'm in Florida today.

The run today was to The Hamilton Tap & Grill, Hamilton Township, NJ, on December 23, 2018.

It was the 9th run of the 2018-2019 season. It was a new stop.

Guest photographers today were Dave Thompson, Gary Rosen, and Bernie Walsh.

If you took any pictures or videos for this run, please email them to me at walter@motorcycleviews.com and I'll place them on this website.

Note: We have a special picture gallery on my Motorcycle Views website. It's strictly for Polar Bear Grand Tour riders. Send me a picture of your motorcycle and yourself and get included in the gallery.

If you see one of our photographers, Bernie Walsh, Dave Thompson, or Gary Rosen, taking pictures, tell them you'd like to have your picture taken for the Polar Bear Picture Gallery. They will tell me which photos are also for the gallery. It will be up to you to contact me with information on year, make, model, and a short description along with your name.

Check out Polar Bear Grand Tour Motorcycle Riders for more details on how to submit your picture.

—Walter F. Kern

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YouTube Videos by Dave Thompson:

We have arrived.

I hear Bob.


The following pictures courtesy of Dave Thompson:

The following picture courtesy of Gary Rosen:

The following pictures courtesy of Bernie Walsh:

In case you missed the videos by Dave, here they are again:

We have arrived.

I hear Bob.


Note: We now have a special picture gallery on this website. It's strictly for Polar Bear Grand Tour riders. Send me a picture of your motorcycle and yourself and get included in the gallery.

If you see any of our photographers, Bernie Walsh, Dave Thompson, or Gary Rosen, taking pictures, tell them you'd like to have your picture taken for the Polar Bear Picture Gallery. They will tell me which photos are also for the gallery. It will be up to you to contact me with information on year, make, model, and a short description along with your name.

Check out Polar Bear Grand Tour Motorcycle Riders for more details on how to submit your picture.

For Christmas: Click the following book covers to learn more about my six books, available in both Kindle and paperback editions. These six books and four Audible books make extremely inexpensive Christmas gifts for your motorcycle friends.

My memoir, Normal Secrets, gives highlights of my life and many secrets unknown even by me until recently. The Kindle books are very inexpensive ($2.99). I especially like the search capability that allows you to find all the places in a book where a particular word or phrase is located. Kindle books are immediately downloaded. Regular books and audiobooks take only a few days to get through Amazon.

Walter's Books:

Walter's Audible Audiobooks:

More Pictures from the 2018-2019 Season

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