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This page contains links to pictures and videos taken by me or Polar Bear staff photographers or videographers at Polar Bear Grand Tour sign-ins. Since I'm in Florida for most of the Polar Bear Grand Tour season, I rely on the following photographers: Dave Thompson, Bernie Walsh, and others who send me pictures and videos.

All pictures and videos and any associated captions are presented in the spirit of good humor as displayed by most motorcyclists. Captions are meant to entertain and never are offered as an insult or reflection on any person, motorcycle, or situation. Any picture and caption and video may be removed from these displays by contacting me at walter@motorcycleviews.com.

The complete schedule is shown below but links to pictures and videos for those events will only be activated when pictures and videos are available for publication.

—Walter F. Kern, Webmaster

**** Best Pictures of 2023-2024 ****

Dawn Patrol, Bridgewater, NJ - Sept. 3, 2023

Cape May V.F.W., NJ - Oct. 29, 2023
Lewes, DE - Nov. 05, 2023
Hooters of Somerset, NJ - Nov. 12, 2023
De Thomasi's Inn, NJ - Nov. 19, 20223
Hopewell, NJ - Nov. 26, 2023
Montgomeryville, PA - Dec. 03 2023
O'Connor's (TOY DRIVE 23), NJ - Dec. 10, 2023
PJ Whelihan's, PA - Dec. 17, 2023
Happy New Year. Dale's Chilly Chili Run - Jan. 01, 2024
Hamilton Tap & Grill, NJ - Jan. 07, 2024
(includes Dale's Chilly Chili Run on Jan. 01, 2024)

Rhodes North, NY - Jan. 14 2024
Pic-A-Lilli Inn, NJ - Jan. 21, 2024
Victory Brewing Company, PA - Jan. 28, 2024
Woody's Roadside Tavern, NJ - Feb. 04, 2024
Franklin House Tavern, PA - Feb. 11, 2024
The Exchange, NJ - Feb. 18 2024
Lighthouse Tavern, NJ - Feb. 25, 2024
Buck Hill Brewery, NJ - Mar. 03, 2024
Long Valley Pub, NJ - Mar. 10, 2024
Bahr's Landing, NJ - Mar. 17, 2024
Stars and Stripes H-D, PA - Mar. 24, 2024
Hickory BBQ Smokehouse, NY - Apr. 07 2024
Sweetwater Marina & Riverdeck, NJ - Apr. 14, 2024
Plumsted Grill, NJ - Apr. 21, 2024

Apr. 28, 2024- Have a great summer and
see you in the fall.

**** Best Pictures of 2023-2024 ****

Walter F. Kern's Books for sale:

Walter F. Kern's Audible Books for sale:

Pictures and Videos from Past Seasons:

2022-2023 pictures
2021-2022 pictures
2020-2021 pictures
2019-2020 pictures
2018-2019 pictures
2017-2018 pictures
2016-2017 pictures
2015-2016 pictures
2014-2015 pictures
2013-2014 pictures
2012-2013 pictures
2011-2012 pictures
2010-2011 pictures
2009-2010 pictures
2008-2009 pictures
2007-2008 pictures
2006-2007 pictures
2005-2006 pictures
2004-2005 pictures

Best Pictures and Videos from Past Seasons:

Best Pictures of 2023-2024
Best Pictures of 2022-2023
Best Pictures of 2021-2022
Best Pictures of 2020-2021
Best Pictures of 2019-2020
Best Pictures of 2018-2019
Best Pictures of 2017-2018
Best Pictures of 2016-2017
Best Pictures of 2015-2016
Best Pictures of 2014-2015
Best Pictures of 2013-2014
Best Pictures of 2012-2013

© 2023-2024 Polar Bear Grand Tour. All rights reserved.